04 September 2012

Final Major Project.

As much as I don't want to dwell too much on the past, it's perhaps a good idea to show you my Final Show.

I have to say, I'm really proud of it, and I worked my ass off. I don't mean for this to be the best I can be though; the sky's the limit! I think it's very worrying if you don't love the products you make, show and release, because then you aren't sharing your best. It's very important to show you love you work. Besides, if you've put your all in it, you have every reason to be proud of it. For me, this is the beginning of my career. I have to, have to, have to grow. I need to grow for the rest of my life. There is never an ultimate best.

N.B. Hanswan gets loads and LOADS of credit for taking all the pictures of my shirt, because she's the luvvlies. That includes my blogger wall, and my picture.