12 September 2012

WEYA Exhibition: Lakeside Gallery

This was by far the best venue I've seen of WEYA so far. There was the best stuff in there, and well, the best exhibition. I think it's also the only one I would really recommend spending time in, there really was a lot of interesting stuff. and also my FAVOURITE favourite artist of the event.

Honggang Wang

Qinshan Zhou

Suzana Pupovic (FAVOURITE favourite favourite)

Javier Palacios

Dimitris Efeoglou

Christina Peake

Roshana Rubin-Mayhew

Jim Cowan

Caroline Helen Jane Douglas

Laura Skocek (This one is interesting because it BREATHES. Yeah.)

Rook Floro (That's Rook in the chair...)

Alana Tyson

Hady Mostafa Mohamed Abdelhalem Boraay

Satirat Dam-Ampai