04 September 2012

District 798.

It might sound like a secret government area, but don't worry, it's just the famed Art District in Beijing. I instantly fell it love. It's very much world's away from the way it looks in central Beijing and its wonderful. I didn't get to see half as much as I wanted, and it's the whole reason why I need to go back to this place. What was infuriating was that I'd JUST missed the Art Expo, annoying, but in hindsight, it would have been like suicide going with my parents...

A little lost, this little gallery was our first stop. I have no idea what this translates to, but yeah, that's the name of the gallery. The exhibition was of an artist called Zhu Bingren, who I suppose is an experimental metalsmith, featuring sculptures from the last few decades. The mural outside the building is by him too.

The sculptures are so organic, and copper is perhaps the last material you'd believe it to be made of. Even from quite close up it looks like lichen and moss. They're all really large piece, but there's such a delicacy to them. They do feel like real flowers. I particularly love the lotus pods, just stunning.

Another stop was the Mountain Art Gallery, featuring a collection of Chinese and Russian artists, I would say Illustrators, although verging into Fine Art.

Typical of me, these pencil drawings were my favourite. Nothing better that something simple, ghostly, and oozing life.

The district itself is an art form really, and the art district has grown out of the shells of old factories and workshops. They now house galleries, studios, and all these cool bookshop/coffeeshops. Just...the bomb.

I also bought a literal ton of magazines, which I'll be leafing through with you in a future blogpost/s!