30 September 2012

Dahea Sun.

This is possibly long overdue since the Designblock opening was over a week ago, but one practitioner really stood out to me, and I've been telling all my fashion/textiles/surface pattern friends about it because its just so damn amazing.

This collection called Rain Palette by Dahea Sun changes colour (!!!) in reaction to the pH levels of the rainwater.

It's not even just the clothes. What impressed me more than anything is her website, and just the beautiful images that capture exactly what this collection is about.

Check out her website here.

29 September 2012

28 September 2012

The Night Market

So Kingston Market Place had an event going on organised by the Illustration and Animation Year 2. Me, Mikey, Nat, Will and Amo went along to see what what going on. It was small, but neatly packed with some entertaining activities, and delicious, delicious food. MY student budget couldn't quite afford dinner, so I just splashed out on illustrated goodies. Good to know I got my priorities right.

27 September 2012

Kingston University: Day 3, Secret Cinema

Today's project has a pretty obvious objective from the name: drawing from films. I actually really enjoyed the process, despite my stressed out mood all day, but to be honest, I really didn't enjoy my outcomes. It seems nobody else did either, but what can you do eh... Although I think I enjoyed two parts best which I will elaborate into shortly.

I hadn't seen any of the films we were shown today, so it was really nice to see some pretty famous clips and classics, even if they were in slow motion. Our first was a 12 minute piece by John Smith called The Girl Chewing Gum, made in 1976. My piece turned out to be a mess (which is...I suppose, what I generally like...), which after seeing what others had done was a little disappointing in comparison. I love some of the pieces others had done, I kind of wish I had some pictures. The film was a really interesting concept, so it's one worth watching!

The second was involving storyboard...which I hate, and mine turned out terrifying so I haven't pictured it here. We watched Copy Shop (2001) by Virgil Widrich.... it was alright, quite a sweet concept and done immaculately. Very clever indeed.

Third was The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. Using three concertina pieces, we drew from the movie again. Shelley Duvall has the most amazing face to draw, and as MaHa (Mark Harris) put it, her face 'completely melts' and I totally agree. As much as I HATE horror movies, She just has one of these faces that I'd love to draw. I've realised I've never had to draw anyone in pain, or in anger or tears before, and it was quite interesting to portray something like that.

After lunch was Vertigo (1958) by Alfred Hitchcock. What I loved most were the colours, and in hindsight I have no idea why I didn't use colour. Mostly panic I think because everything I was producing was shit. But that's the kind of experience we all have to have I suppose... Foundation was no exception. It makes you hunger. We drew on some strips that MaHa had collected off one of last years graduate final piece offcuts, and I have even taken some for self directed tomorrow. 

I decided to carry on with the strips for our last film. Umberto D. (1952) by Vittorio di Sica is really such a gorgeous film. I decided to stick to the materials I know....the trusty poscas, and just relax for a little bit. It turned out better, and perhaps my best stuff of the day.

26 September 2012

Kingston University: Drawing Day 2, Undercover

Day two was much less ambiguous, and by our materials list, I was pretty sure we'd be doing some groovy life drawing. My last minute change from dead cat (R.I.P Persi) to Bjork was eventually, a VERY good idea. At least some people kind of got it.  I really got into drawing Hannah, she's a pretty great model you know, she's got some amazing faces going on. Construction worker suited her well. She made a far better model than I was that's for sure. 
I have to say, I struggled with the group life drawing. Thinking about it after, I've never drawn a big group like that before, so it was a pretty interesting experience. It didn't suit me, I feel I can focus on one person for half an hour, but perhaps not seven... Something I need to practice. It's funny, I absolutely love drawing crowds on location, but once it gets so concentrated... I find it very difficult. I hope we get to do it again soon so I can look at it differently.

Kingston University: Drawing Day 1, Gemini

Yesterday was our first drawing session, and I had both feelings of excitement and anticipation. I wasn't sure what to expect, and I'd been guessing all morning what we had from the title (OMG, masking tape, Gemini, they're DEFINITELY going to make us tape each other together and then make us draw another pair!!...). It turned out to be a really fun task, and a challenge! That was to try and draw all 56 people in the class, which turned out to be pretty fun. I had a good time, and it was finally time to see what everybody was made of. Thankfully two of my portraits made it to the wall, so it gave my ego a little sigh of relief... I'm not going to break down so easily this year! Saying that, there are some crazy talented people in this class... I am honoured to share a studio space with them. It makes me want to work even harder! 

Here are my portraits drawn by other people. My favourites were by Claire and Seohye (top left, bottom left), and those were displayed on the wall. Saying that though, I absolutely adore Seungju's (fourth down on the right), and it really, really looks like me too! And I also love James' (the inky blocky one), just for humour and variation. I feel like my NY hoop earrings were a big success, seeing as many a portrait feature some great ghetto hoops.

Designblock Haul.