14 February 2014

Kingston University: Experimental Life Drawing, Hannah

This week Jake was away so we had another tutor call Martin with the beloved Hannah, who we'd worked with last term. We started out doing our own thing because he wanted to see what our work was like. I brought acrylic paints again, and this time I had oil pastels with me as well. This was my first painting.

After having a look, we went through some exercises with Martin. It was interesting to have quite an academic take on the 'experimental' and he really encouraged us to be instinctive and relaxed. It really reminded me of the life drawing classes we had on Foundation.

After working on these exercises, the last hour went back to our own materials. 

I was really pleased with these last two paintings, and I'm really glad that we had those exercises in between. It really loosened me up back to the kinds of drawings I like to do and love to look at.