While it is always common for me to start with apologies, I will refrain from doing so this time to save you from having to eye-roll and listen to the 'I've been busy' blah blah. It's still busy, as always, but it's about time that I give myself room to have some 'me' time to write this blog. I think with all the reading and writing, and getting square-eyes looking at a screen, I've been totally exhausted starting out this dissertation journey.
So a humongous catch up is in order, preferably less reviews, and more own work! Because there is a lot of it to share, and it won't be particularly chronological, but if I can catch up in a few posts then at least there is that peace of mind. I will endeavour to post at least once a week, as a way of having something else to think about aside from street food hawkers, Hong Kong and job-seeking (gah!). It can be, once again, my re-newed annual New Year's Resolution.
Each post is going to represent each month that has flown by, starting in August, when the last post was published. Hopefully then we can get back to a speedy recovery! Wish me luck!
Here is a pic of Julian Stair's ceramic tools, an inspirational metaphor for how organised I wish to be in the coming months.