25 January 2015

Yin and Yang; More collaborating with Velvit

After having such a great time working on Yin, Jaimie Lake from Velvit Vault invited me to contribute to her next, twin exhibition Yang. I designed the logo for this exhibition too, as well as creating some ink paintings to be sold in the Velvit online shop.

I'm so happy with how it worked out on the website, and I really feel that the aesthetic works well together with the branding of Velvit. It really has been a pleasure working with Jaimie, and hopefully not the last time!

For my contributing work, I painted four male life studies. I gave Jaimie a description, so maybe that will help add to what I'm trying to say:

"In 'Off Guard', he gently sleeps, naked and vulnerable, as we watch. Studies of male portraits always put across the 'man' in a powerful, strong stance. I wanted to create a series of images that neutralizes the common portrayal, showing that the gender roles of society are just a façade for our own egos. Dreaming and asleep, we succumb to nature, stripping all of us to the balance of Yin and Yang within us."

Although I'm not sure if they're going to sell particularly well, I've really enjoyed making the work and its work that I've been meaning to get out of my system for a while. I'll always love life drawing, and I think that is the main part of illustration that I want to keep; reportage and life drawing for me is just the most satisfying. It doesn't have to look exactly right, but I think in the end it just has to convey a feeling.

I've been having a whale of a time the past few months, and I'm really happy with how work is going so far. As ever, I've got a few projects on the go including FMP (EEK!), but that is what makes it so exciting! I'm so glad to be able to be keeping myself on my toes and making the most out of everything before uni is all over!

05 January 2015

New Year Reflections.

So I am a horrific blogger now, but I swear it is from lack of content that I'm actually allowed to publish. To be honest with you, life has been up to my eyebrows in work but at the same time... it's strangely mellow and focused, so at least this time I don't feel like I've been running around like a headless chicken.

REFLECTION TIME! So December was full of stuff going on, and we're still continuing work on some projects now that began back then. Hannah and I are working on an RSA competition brief together, and we also had a project creating films and animations for the Royal Opera House where eight have been selected, so we're all pushing those as well (us 2 Park Road gals in the house, bringing home the bacon!). As well as that we're handing in our dissertations on Wednesday so that has been occupying most of my Christmas as of late, I'm sure those of you who I've seen/seen my Instagram will know how hectic the holiday has been. It might not have been the most restful that I would have liked, but nevertheless the end is nigh, and it ACTUALLY is nigh now in that my final major project ends in March!

My dissertation as some of you may know is about Sailor Moon, so that has been a fun and extremely interesting topic to look into, especially as I am now questioning and establishing my own feminist ideals. My title is 'Soldier of Love and Justice: How the Japanese anime Sailor Moon represents Girlhood and subverts the position of the 'Girl''. It's been interesting to question my own growing up and asking how much of it I had authority over; I perhaps in reflection felt more 'free' than some to choose what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be and what I care about. I've loved writing this dissertation, and I do feel like I want to write for a little longer... A masters in History of Art/Design is looking like a positive for the future so that's exciting. My final major project is going to be around the topic of girlhood as well, so we shall see where all of this goes!

Despite all of this, I do feel strangely skittish, and constantly in and out of anxiety about work and the working world. Leaving university is very exciting though, and I do feel like it's going to be really liberating to not feel judged so much. There is this phase of belonging that I drop in and out of... and I'm very tired of whipping myself for not being like this, or not being good at this. I feel like the working world will suit me in that I can pursue what I really really love, whatever that may be at the time. The world is our oyster after all! But I do think I have reached an unhealthy point of criticising myself. However, I really don't want to become an 'other'; I am after all, just the same as anybody else and I hope my friends and future colleagues can see me as an equal, in an environment where we all learn, we all share knowledge, we're all (at least mostly) passionate about what we're doing, through ups and downs. As idealistic as that sounds, I do think that I need to carry on thinking that way about my life right now, and that at the end of the day this degree and this life is just for me. It's difficult to not listen to others, at least for me, because I believe that I want to be the best that I can be. There is always room to improve, and I've always believed in an element of challenge and risk. So I hope, as this university experience draws to a close, that I can make a difference in this world, where I can encourage somebody out there to take their own risk and fulfil their own challenges.

Sailor Moon, as my childhood hero and idol, was more relevant to me and my growth than I ever knew. I hope she, and I, can always encourage our peers and ourselves to take on all the challenges that we are all inevitably going to face in our lives, and come out stronger than we ever were before.