13 February 2014
Front Row Society Submission: Artisanal Botanist
Some exciting news! I spoke to my beautiful friend Katie over Christmas (she does Surface Pattern at Leeds), and she told me about Front Row Society, who run competitions on a monthly basis specialising in fabric prints. For me, it's just a great encouragement to do something for myself every month, and hopefully it will pay off! So here's my Venus Fly Trap design, based around the given theme, Artisanal Botanist. It sticks out like a sore thumb amongst all these flowery mirror-y digital prints but, I hope that's what will give me a chance of being noticed! I may also do a couple more submissions last minute tomorrow with the same illustrations... GAH so exciting!
The prints are chosen on basis of merit, but each print is voted on by anybody, which increases the chance of it being seen! So I would really really appreciate it if you could vote for me! And of course, any other prints that you think deserve chances of winning.
Votes are made HERE and starts on the 16th February until the 28th!
Thankyou!! It would mean the world to me if you voted for me, it is my first go but one of my resolutions was to get stuck into some competitions this year while I have the chance! So I will be doing these every month, or at least every competition that I think has some steam for me.
Surface Pattern,
Vivien Chan