07 October 2012

Walk Cycle Practice

I was feeling a little nervous about the coming up animation tutorial, where we have to make our character from last week's project walk. I thought to myself ' I can't even make a normal person walk yet!', so I figured I'd do a little practice before going in.

The first thing I did was text Harry for moral support, before just biting the bullet and getting on with it. I made a video (one that has been DELETED. Forever.) of my legs just from start to finish. I made enough frames to make one that doesn't loop, but I eventually took out 3/20 frames to make it a continuous walk. I think I did pretty well. My set up was just a little registration using masking tape, so that I could keep my layout paper as even as possible. Each piece is A6 size, so it just shows you can do anything with any size of paper! I feel a lot more ready, and it was much less grueling than I imagined. I'm really looking forward to it!